Monday 27 January 2014

Day 100: The End Of The Beginning

The End Of The Beginning’ is a little-known short movie from 2013. Even though it’s awards season (and that movie won’t be getting many!) I don’t want this to read like an Oscar acceptance speech and I promise I won’t do a Gwyneth Paltrow!

Whilst this post represents the end of my 100 day challenge, it is only the end of the beginning in terms of my time in this new role and I think I can safely say I am no longer in my ‘induction’ period!

I want to say a special thank you to Mrs F for her support in helping make me who I am today and particularly for sacrificing 100 half-hours of me so I could write this blog.

Thank you to my colleagues in Luton and the wider world of the NHS, Quality & Nursing who have given me much of the inspiration and material for the last 100 days’ posts.  With 10,000+ page views, that’s an average of over 100 per post, which is many more than I expected at the outset.

Thanks to everyone I’ve met for the first time in the last 100 days who’s said “we haven’t met before, but I’ve read your blog”.  This has given me a particular buzz, but been a little bewildering at times.

The experience of writing every day for 100 days has been really rewarding.  Taking time to reflect on the day and what I’ve learned is a discipline that I will certainly be continuing.  Some days have been harder than others to write about, but in the main my biggest problem has been writing only 100 words!

There have been low points during the past 100 days, as well as many high points.  There’s been dancing, I’ve got angry and I’ve certainly come across some ‘wicked problems’.  The image below is a word cloud made up of all the content from the last 100 days, which is 10,000+ words.

My plan for day 101 and beyond is to continue to blog, but in a bit more depth and less often than every day (Mrs F will be pleased!).  500 words a week for the next 50 weeks would be a good challenge to set myself to keep me writing; so if there are any particular topics you want me to explore in my blog, contact me, let me know and we’ll see how this evolves.

Thanks again and stay in touch!

(PS I knew I’d never keep this final post to 100 words, so I wasn’t even going to try!)

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