Thursday, 9 December 2021

Day 4: Clear Communication

I am learning that Turning Point is a unique organisation, but not alone in using jargon, acronyms and abbreviations in documents and meetings.  I wrote eight years ago about the ‘Upgoer Five’; and made a commitment to be more clear in my communications, reducing the use of jargon.


I made a pledge to call out poor use of language, abbreviation or anything that wouldn’t be clear to the intended audience.  I think I’ve been pretty good at doing this since then, and my Board colleagues at TP are as determined as I am to reduce the use of jargon too.

1 comment:

  1. Good! I wish it was banished in the NHS, along with 'management speak' (why say 'uptick' when 'increase' is perfectly clear? And what the heck does 'skin in the game' and 'consume our own smoke' even mean?)
